Feed Wagons

Premier Custom Food Truck Builders


Feed Wagons has established itself as a leader in the mobile food industry, providing end-to-end solutions for aspiring food entrepreneurs. From initial concept to launching a fully operational food business on wheels, they offer unparalleled service in building custom food trucks and trailers.


Feed Wagons faced the challenge of communicating their unique value proposition in a growing market filled with food truck builders. They needed to increase awareness about their comprehensive services and stand out to prospective clients eager to enter the mobile food industry.


LeadOrigin stepped in with a comprehensive strategy to elevate Feed Wagons’ market presence:

  • Brand Messaging and Positioning: Sharpened brand messaging to spotlight Feed Wagons’ all-inclusive support for clients – from idealizing a food truck business to making it a reality. Showcased their skill in tailoring food trucks that meet each client’s distinct vision and objectives.
  • Digital Marketing and Online Presence: Revitalized the Feed Wagons’ website, making it a showcase of their work, client stories, and the breadth of their services. Launched an SEO campaign focused on keywords essential to the food truck and mobile food business.
  • Social Media and Content Strategy: Used social media to share client success stories, show parts of the building process, and give advice to people who want to start their own food truck businesses. Collaborated with industry influencers to extend their reach.
  • Educational Opportunities: Organized workshops and webinars covering everything from menu planning to the nuts and bolts of running a food truck, positioning Feed Wagons as a guiding force in the mobile food sector.



The collaboration with LeadOrigin yielded significant gains for Feed Wagons:

  • Widened Client Reach: Captured the attention of a diverse clientele, from culinary experts to budding entrepreneurs, looking to dive into the food truck business.
  • Boosted Online Activity and Interaction: Improved search engine placements led to more website visits and increased social media interactions.
  • Authority in the Industry: Solidified their reputation as not just builders but as comprehensive consultants in launching and managing a food truck business.
  • Client Satisfaction and Referrals: Earned great reviews and referrals thanks to the impactful support provided to food truck businesses, evidenced by the success stories of entrepreneurs who worked with them.


Key Metrics:

  • Growth in client variety and numbers.
  • Increased website traffic and social media engagement.
  • Elevated standing as educational leaders within the food truck industry.
  • An uptick in client satisfaction and referral rates.


Feed Wagons, through strategic brand enhancement, digital outreach, and dedication to educating the mobile food community, solidified its reputation as a full-service partner for food truck entrepreneurs. By detailing their journey from conception to launch, they’ve not only expanded their client base but have also become a pivotal resource for fostering mobile food ventures’ success.



What our Clients Say

Sofia Morales
Sofia Morales
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We appreciate all the work LeadOrigin has done for us. They designed and have been managing our company’s website and we could not be happier with the amazing work they have continously provided us.
Grace Parrish
Grace Parrish
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We've had a terrific experience with LeadOrigin! Our online sales have more than doubled since they started running our Google ads.
Dexter Robertson
Dexter Robertson
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We are beyond pleased with our experience with LeadOrigin. The team here has been such a great asset to our company and has contributed deeply to our companies growth.
Professional Digital Marketing Team in Discussion.
Team Members
0 +
Average Client ROI
0 x
Revenue Generated
$ 0 + Billion
Leads Generated
0 M+